WORSHIP- Expereince God's Transforming Love!

WFUMC Worships on Sundays at 10am

Encounter the presence of God in worship!

We believe that worship forms the people of God. This happens as we come together to encounter and respond to God's grace through acts of praise, repentance, forgiveness, thanksgiving and proclamation. These acts of worship take the form of  spoken words, sacred songs, visible symbols and enacted signs. Through these acts of worship, God transforms our hearts and minds so that we become a community of faith who more and more reflect God's love. We believe that we are sent forth from worship to proclaim the good news we encountered to our community and world. Therefore, our goal for worship is that everyone has the opportunity to encounter the transformative presence of God through Jesus Christ.


We celebrate two sacraments in the United Methodist Church. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month as well as other special Sundays. We believe the Holy Spirit works in communion, through grace, so that the outpouring of the Spirit makes the bread and juice be for us the body and blood of Christ so we may be sent to the world as the body of Christ reflecting God's love, forgiveness and healing. We believe that Christ is really present at the Table, and that Christ's presence changes us!  We have an "open table" which means anyone and everyone is welcomed and invited to receive Communion. You do not have to be baptised or a member of this church or any church to receive communion. Pastor Jim reminds us whenever we celebrate Communion that it is not his table, not WFUMC's table, not the United Methodist's Churches table, but in fact through the gift of the Holy Spirit the Lord's Table and all are welcome! 


United Methodists believe in the Sacrament of Baptism that we receive God's grace, are initiated into the family of God, are marked as followers of Jesus Christ, and receive a call to be in ministry and mission in the world. We believe the Holy Spirit works in baptism, through grace, to bless the water washing away sin giving us new birth through water and Spirit. The UMC recognizes all forms of baptism- by immersion, pouring or sprinkling. We believe God makes the Sacrament whole, not the form of the baptism. Also, the UMC does not re-baptise people who have already received a Christian baptism. 


The UMC baptises infants and children, knowing that God's prevenient grace is already working in a young person's life. If you are a parent interested in baptizing your infant or child, please email Pastor Jim at jim@wakeforestumc.org. He will be happy to meet with you to discuss this opportunity. 



Sundays at 10am

Sundays at 10am

Tune in to catch up on the sermon via Spotify

Tune in to catch up on the sermon on Apple Podcasts