Find your community here

Groups are the heart of ministry at Wake Forest UMC. They're how we connect to each other and to God in discipleship, prayer, service, and fellowship.  It's our hope that everyone at WFUMC be connected to at least one small group to help build relationships and be the hands and feet of Christ in our community.  


Interested in a group but not sure where to start?  Pastor Jim would love to talk with you and help match you to a group that fits your hopes and your schedule.  Reach out by emailing

Sunday School Groups

Fellowship Class

The Fellowship Class meets in the upper level of the Education Building. This class consists of singles and couples ranging in age from 20s to 70s, studying a variety of literature and implement videos from Amplify Media in the lessons. We have several facilitators for our discussion based class. This class is support group of friends walking our daily Christian walk and reaching out to our community and the world as we are led to individuals and groups where we can share God's love.

 Susan Rogers helps lead this class.

Renewal / Becton Class

The Renewal/Becton Class has singles and couples mostly in their 60s, 70s, and 80s.  This group uses the International Sunday School lesson for "Adult Bible Studies" and takes a deeper look at assigned passages of scripture; examine why it was written, in what circumstances, and then discuss how the passage affects us in our daily work in Christ. Meets in the Office Building, upper level. Irene Webster helps to facilitate the class.

Seekers Class

Seekers strive to be doers of the Word and not hearers only! Whether helping at the Hospitality Table, prepping meals for our youth, or leading church-wide initiatives, they actively practice what they try to preach in Bible study discussions that are free flowing and welcoming.  The Seekers invite all ages--singles and couples.  Jeanne Smoot leads the class, but others often do as well, thus deepening understanding and learning from one another!  The Seekers meet in the Office Building, upper level on Sundays at 8:45 am.

United Women in Faith Groups

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

Miriam Circle 

Meets at 10am on the First Wednesday of each month


Meets at 7pm on the Second Wednesday of the month. 

Groups That Meet Monthly

United Against Racism

United Against Racism meets monthly on the 4th Sunday at 3pm.  This group is WFUMC's leading force in helping us work against racism in our community and in our lives.

Marc Bridgham and Maria Butts lead this group. 

Methodist Men

UMM's mission is to help men grow in Christ so that others may know Christ. UMM supports spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within the congregations of the UMC. Our spiritual formation is marked by spiritual reproduction, as our faith passes on in others.  Meets Monthly on the first Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8pm.  Contact Dave Bryant with questions.

B3 Groups

B3 Groups: Belong to a family. Become more like Jesus Together. Bless your neighbors and community.  

At Gatherings, people meet in someone’s home for a shared meal, a time of sharing thanksgiving, worship, a devotion and a time of prayer. They typically last 1.5 hours.  B3 groups each have a particular missional focus that they commit to together and serve together monthly.  

The Way

Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month. Meeting at the church at this time but hope to get back to meeting in homes later this year. This group is made up of 50 and above with no children. We are involved in several ministries around the church and in the community.  Contact Bruce or Sue Alllen for details.

Young Adults Group

This group is primarily Young Couples in their 20s and early 30s.

Meets Monthly with times shifting based on group members schedules.  Graham Lewis leads this group.

The Rainbow Connection

Rainbow Connection gathers to focus on our relationship with Jesus (BECOME), relationship with one another (BELONG) and relationship to others (BLESS). Our group is reconciling, inclusive and an ally to people who may not have felt accepted into the universal church. We have open and safe dialogues. This group meets for a discussion once a month with at least one other monthly mission/outreach opportunity.   See Cathy Brinkman for more information.

Fellowship Groups

Memory Makers

(For ages 55 and older)

Memory Makers Ministry provides an opportunity for seniors to connect over great food, to make friends and to enjoy a variety of programs in a Christian context.
 Memory Makers meet the 3rd Wednesday August-May at 12:00 for a covered dish lunch and program.  In July we have an ice cream social at 2:00 on the third Wednesday.  Come and try it out!  No need to bring anything the 1st time you come. 

Joyous Tuesdays

Just Old Youth, Outstanding Unique Seniors (Card and games for ages 55+)

JOYOUS seeks to provide Seniors with an opportunity to socialize and enjoy the mental stimulation that cards and games offer.  What we do on a given Tuesday is determined by those in attendance.   Sometimes it's a board game, sometimes it's cards and sometimes there are multiple groups all playing something different.  Don't know how to play something?  We can teach you.   Come Get Your Game On. 

Service Groups

Cracked Pots

The Cracked Pots is our gardening group at WFUMC. They take care of the Prayer Garden and the plantings on our church campus. Their work days are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month March-November. Additional days are added for trips, special projects/events or maintenance chores.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry has expanded its community outreach to include not only  prayer shawls, pocket prayer shawls, and lap robes with spiritual encouragement booklet, but also chemo caps for Duke Cancer Care patients; scarves, hats, and washcloths for the homeless at Oak City Cares, Raleigh; scarves and hats for women and children of InterAct services; and, most recently, baby caps and blankets for preemie and sick babies at WakeMed Hospital Intensive Care Nursery.  Each item is a symbol of comfort, hope, and God's enduring love. 

Quilting Group

The WFUMC Quilting Group was established in 2023.  We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings at 9 am until 2pm in the Family Life Center.  Bring a lunch.  We all have lunch together.  This group encompasses all skill levels.  We share ideas, have show and tell, share useful websites.  If you are not a quilter, but like to sew, or do any kind of needle work, please join us.

If you think you will have too many quilts in your home, several people donate to various ministries in and outside of the Wake Forest area.

Please join us for fellowship and to add a new group of friends to your life.

This group is led by Linda Chappell.